Rare Science is a California nonprofit corporation

Please "Bear" with us while we update our site !



Help send Rare Bears to rare kids! Just $5 helps to offset the cost of shipping a Rare Bear and brings a smile to a rare child! Can you GIVE FIVE?

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More Ways to Help:

  • Donate – make a one-time donation or monthly gift using your credit card through our secure site
  • Planned Giving – Planned charitable giving secures sustainability of our programs and helps create a personal balanced financial goal and legacy for supporting rare children
  • Matching Gifts – Often companies will match their employee’s donations dollar for dollar.
  • In-Kind – Help us reduce the cost of our programs by supporting us through in kind contributions such as materials for rare bears to operational support. Contact us for a list of needed items.
  • Send a Bear – Please consider a donation in any amount to help us send a RARE Bear to a RARE kid! 


Tax Information

  • RARE Science’s EIN is 47-1744221. Due to solicitation registration limitations, we are unable to accept donations from those who reside in the area of Washington, D.C.