Rare Science is a California nonprofit corporation

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RARE Bear Program

RARE Science has initiated the RARE Bear program, a grassroots community-driven outreach for kids with rare disease. Community volunteers create one-of-a-kind teddy bears for one-of-a-kind “rare” kids like Lilly. On the evening of August 13th, 2015  Lilly was gifted the first RARE Bear, kicking off a mission to change the future for kids with rare disease. Lilly posted on her Instagram later that night,

“Honored to be the first rare disease patient to receive a RARE Bear from RARE Science! Quilters all over the world make these bears for children with rare diseases to raise awareness and funds. In return, the quilter receives a photo of their bear with the child. My bear, I’ve named Novella (meaning a short novel) was specially made for me with pink fabric and a design of books by Christina Waters’ mom. Christina started RARE Science. Thanks Chris, for all your help and support with ADCY5!”

Join forces with RARE Science, Inc. a non-profit organization that helps find cures for kids with rare disease. The RARE Bear Project is a community driven initiative and is supported by the ever-growing RARE Bear Army of volunteers that help make one of a kind bears for special one of a kind kids. Gifted RARE bears will have a serial number specifically made for a child in our program. Some RARE bears will also be made for gifts for those who donate a certain amount to our programs to support rare disease research!