Rare Science is a California nonprofit corporation

Please "Bear" with us while we update our site !

Dear Undiagnosed and RARE Families,

Thank you for your interest in our RARE Bear Program!  RARE Science recognizes the need to build a strong and diverse rare disease community. There are millions of children with rare diseases. Because rare diseases are less actively researched, these children are often misdiagnosed or receive inadequate care. RARE Science facilitates a focused, accelerated approach that addresses the urgency needed to help our vulnerable rare children. Our RARE Bear Program provides outreach to and support for our RARE children and their families. To participate in our RARE Bear Program, please contact your patient support organization, foundation or group to get all the information you need to enroll in the RARE Bear Program. If your organization is not yet a RARE Science partner but would like to be, please ask them to contact us at info@rarescience.org.